I Can't Hear God Anymore: Life in a Dallas Cult
Written in first person, I Can’t Hear God Anymore: Life in a Dallas Cult chronicles the experiences of the author and her husband who became members of a religious cult and finally, years later, were able to leave after recognizing the deception. The book describes the couple’s individual vulnerabilities and the spiritual and emotional manipulations that were used to keep them bound to the group. The author then examines the struggle that occurs with leaving a cult and starting a new life of faith.
I Can’t Hear God Anymore addresses the issues that face former members after they leave a cult, and how they can find their way back to spiritual and psychological health. The author covers the loss of one’s identity and purpose, the intense loneliness, and the fear that God has abandoned them. Though the focus is primarily on the author and her husband, there will be stories related by other former members of this same religious group. The author explores the clever workings of a charismatic cult leader and the manipulative techniques that were used. She also discusses how individuals can find their way back to spiritual and psychological health. In our society, we are careful to teach and learn about sexual harassment and abuse so that lives are not ruined. Just as importantly, we must warn others of the dangers of religious abuse.
Author's Note:
My hope is that this book, I Can’t Hear God Anymore: Life in a Dallas Cult, can provide spiritual healing to former members of cults and help others understand how “normal” people can get caught up in cult-like groups. This story can prevent others from falling into the grip of a religious cult, and encourage those who are involved in one to have the courage to leave. In our society, we are careful to teach and learn about sexual harassment and abuse so that lives are not ruined. Just as importantly, we must warn others of the dangers of religious abuse.