Webinars, Podcasts, Speaking Engagements and Workshops
Wounded Faith Webinars
- The Wounded Faith Webinar https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvbdQ8F8DTwcIdu1j22IAXoVnoW6tOHrL https://www.icsahome.com/events/wounded-faith-webinars
- Rev. Dr. Neil Damgaard, Editor Of ICSA’s Book Wounded Faith, Will Interview Doug Duncan, Author Of The Chapter On Forgiveness. The Interview Will Last About 30 Minutes, And Then Webinar Attendees Will Have 30 Minutes To Ask Questions.
- Brief Excerpt From Doug Duncan's Chapter
- ...The Inch-Deep Understanding That Most People Have Of What The Bible Teaches On This Topic Is Not Correct -- In Fact, It Is Little More Than Pop Psychology. ... You Are Not Required To Go Back And Absolve Your Former Cult Leader. God Does Not Demand It, And The Bible Does Not Teach It.
- Forgiveness (Doug Duncan)
- Marital Damage And Recovery Following Religious Abuse (Pat And Heidi Knapp)
- The Stages Of Recovery (Pat Knapp)
- Healing Your Image Of God (Wendy Duncan)
- When The Walking Wounded Walk Into Church (Ken Garrett)
- Spiritual Abuse: Women's Issues (Judy Pardon) Saturday 11 Am, April 22, 2023. Register - $10
- Making Your Church Spiritually Safe (Neil Damgaard Interviewed By Ken Garrett)
• Ministering to the Spiritually Wounded. Presentation. Annual Conference, Evangelical Ministries to Non-Christian Religions. Tallahassee, FL. (2022, June.)• Ministry to the Spiritually Wounded. Presentation. Annual Conference, International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), Virtual Conference. (2021, July.)• Gaslighting, Thought Stopping, and Hot Seats: Manipulation in Cultic and Spiritually Abusive Groups. Panel Discussion at the Annual Conference. ICSA, Dallas, TX. (2021, July.)• Ministry to the Spiritually Wounded. Presentation. Southern Methodist University Colloquium, Spiritual Abuse: Prevention, Recovery, and Healing. Dallas, TX. (2020, Oct.)• Mental Health Professional Discussion. Moderator at the Conference on High-Control Groups: Information for Former Group Members, Families, and Mental Health Professionals, Santa Fe, NM. (2019, November.)• Reawakening Your Spirituality After a Cultic Experience. Presentation. Annual Conference, ICSA, Philadelphia, PA. (2018, July.)• Clinical Roundtable. Co-facilitator for mental health discussion at the Annual Conference, ICSA, Philadelphia, PA. (2018, July.)• Healing Your Shame. Workshop presented at Hartford Spiritual Abuse Conference, Hartford, CT. (2018, October.)• Forgiveness. Workshop presented at Hartford Spiritual Abuse Conference, Hartford, CT. (2018, October.)• Cults 101. Presentation. Annual Conference, Dallas Fort Worth Behavioral Health Conference, Dallas, TX. (2018, March.)• Varieties of Post-Cult Spirituality. Presentation. Conference on High-Control Groups: Information for Former Group Members, Families, and Mental Health Professionals, Santa Fe, NM. (2017, November.)• Post-Cult Spiritual Identity: Opportunities for Healing and Growing. Presentation. Annual Conference, ICSA, Bordeaux, France. (2017, July.)• Clinical Roundtable: Workshop for Mental Health Professionals. Moderator of clinical workshop at the Annual Conference, ICSA, Bordeaux, France. (2017, June.)• Searching for Healthy Faith. Plenary Speech. Annual Conference, ICSA, Dallas, TX. (2016, July.)• Life in a Dallas Cult. Workshop presentation for the Annual Conference, ICSA, Dallas, TX. (2016, July.)• Clinical Roundtable for Mental Health Practitioners. Co-facilitator for mental health roundtable at the Annual Conference, ICSA, Dallas, TX. (2016, June.)• Dealing with Spiritual Issues. Panel Discussion at the Conference on High-Control Groups: Information for Former Group Members, Families, and Mental Health Professionals, Santa Fe, NM. (2015, November.)• Approaches to Support Groups. Panel Discussion at the Conference on High-Control Groups: Information for Former Group Members, Families, and Mental Health Professionals, Santa Fe, NM. (2015, November.)• Spiritual Recovery After a Cult Experience. Presentation. Annual Conference, ICSA, Washington, DC. (2014, July.)• Spiritual Issues in Recovery. Panel Discussion at the High Demand Groups: Helping Former Members and Families conference, Santa Fe, NM. (2013, November.)• Shattered Faith Recovery. Presentation. Conference, High Demand Groups: Helping Former Members and Families, Santa Fe, NM. (2013, November.)• Teen Mania: Exploitation in a Teen Cult. Workshop presented at the Annual Conference, ICSA, Montreal, Canada. (2012, July.)• Spiritual Manipulation in Pseudo-Christian Cults. Panel Discussion. Annual Conference, ICSA, Montreal, Canada. (2012, July.)• Cults 101. Lecture at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX. (2011, April.)• Critical Thinking Skills for Former Members. Presentation. Annual Conference, ICSA, New York, NY. (2010, July.)• Post-Cult Spirituality: Toxic Vs. Healthy. Presentation. Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups, and Harm Conference. Denver, CO. (2009, October.)• Ministering to Ex-Cult Members and The Spiritually Abused. Presentation. Kansas City Conference on Biblical Discernment, Kansas City, KA. (2008, February.)• Secular vs Religious: Identity Issues for Individuals Leaving Bible-based Cults. Presentation. Annual Conference, ICSA, Philadephia, PA. (2008, July.)• Spiritual Abuse. Workshop. Omaha, NE. (2007, November.)
National Television:• Telemundo: Interview regarding court case involving a Hispanic cult leader. 2018.• MSNBC. Featured in Mind Over Mania: MSNBC documentary about Teen Mania, a Christian youth program that use standard brainwashing techniques on children. This one-hour documentary for MSNBC is about a group of women in therapy as they recover from the mind control they experienced during their time with a Christian teen ministry. Produced by Crazy Legs Production. May 6, 2011.